Friday, April 23, 2021


I couldn't resist this little illustration, and it's so fitting for so many reasons!

I grew up in Central California. We had what they call "tule fog" and there's nothing quite like it.  It hangs very low and can be so bad that you can't see the front end of the car you're driving.  I remember that we used to ride our bikes to school because it was safer.  At least we could hear the cars coming!  Besides, since I rode my bike to school from the time I was in 1st grade I think it could have gotten me there on it's own.  Tremendous homing instincts on a Schwinn Stingray.

Also, my husband has a great story about when he was riding his own bike to school in rural Ireland.  He slid on some ice and ran into a cow.  The cow wasn't at all perturbed but all of his schoolbooks and papers went flying.  The farmer helped him pick everything up, and he continued on.  No damage to the bike, or the cow!

I was also thinking yesterday that there are a lot of cows in the way of our dreams and goals.  Have you ever gotten all excited about a project and then couldn't get to it because "something" kept coming up?  Then, by the time you have the time, you no longer have the enthusiasm?

That's me in a nutshell!  If I could just somehow transpose my creative brainwaves into a robot that would immediately pull, press, cut, piece, quilt and bind the quilt I have in my mind.  Wouldn't that be fabulous?  Of course, it wouldn't be as much fun for me, but it would be nice to see all those wonderful ideas brought to fruition instead of idling around in my overwhelmed brain.  Too bad I have zero tech skills, can you imagine how popular "Quiltbot" would be at the next Quilt Festival?

Right after I started working on rebooting my blogs I had a terrible fall.  Fortunately, I didn't hurt myself as badly as I could have on our hardwood floors. Why? Because I braced myself with my left hand, thereby badly spraining my wrist.  Ouch! It's been a nightmare because you don't really realize how often you use both hands until you don't have them. 

I'm in my third month of dealing with it.  My doctor suspects there might be some nerve damage, but also thinks it could be just a bad muscle sprain that I keep reinjuring because I need to do stuff that requires two hands. She wants me to come back in June if I'm still in pain.  I hope to God it will be gone by then.

There are two things I've been struggling with the most. One, is that I can't do any hand sewing.  My right hand is fine, but I have to hold the fabric in the left hand.  Not currently possible.  I also struggle with typing. I'm able to do it for short periods of time, but it hurts if I do it too long, and then I have to stop for a couple of days.  My husband has been fabulous about taking over some of my chores.  However, I'm still doing the cooking, and some of those pans are so heavy! I never realized how physical so many things I used to do were. Even after almost three months I keep finding new things I can't do. It's beyond frustrating.

I'm taking my own advice and trying to remain positive.  My father always used to say that problems can get worse, or you can turn them into opportunities. I haven't figured out the opportunities yet, but they've got to be there somewhere! In the meantime I will continue to post and work on ideas for future quilts. I have enjoyed re-reading some of my quilting books and magazines, and revisiting my life by reading my old blog posts from ten years ago. That has helped a lot because I seem to have had a lot of colds and flu bugs back then. Now I just have a pain in the wrist.  I suppose things could be worse. 

I don't think I have any readers yet but it's early days.  It takes a while for a blog to take off, and frankly, it's kind of a good thing that there aren't any readers waiting for my next post to drop.  It will also give me some time to get over my injury and get back in the swing of things. Maybe that's the opportunity, that this happened when it did.  Who knows? In the meantime, for those of you who can . . .

Happy Stitching!



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