Saturday, April 17, 2021



I usually write about dealing with our own problems with self esteem and dealing with difficult people. Today I want to discuss how you can make others' lives better by letting them know how much you appreciate them. 

I have this thing where sometimes I get a strong feeling about a particular person. I call it "on my heart." It means that this person isn't just on my mind, but I feel a calling to do something nice for them.

Sometimes that means I'll send a gift, or shoot them an email, but most of the time I call them. 

Nowadays everyone has their phone with them, but it doesn't always make them more available. I like to send them a text or email and ask them for a convenient time to call. I have one friend I call a couple of times a year, and we set a date and time and end up talking for hours.

It's important to let those you care about know how fabulous you think they are! Too many people get only negative feedback. When something goes well, it's quiet. But if there's a problem, it can get loud and nasty. It's no wonder so many people feel they can't do anything right. When you never get an affirmation, it's very easy to believe that you're worthless.

Nothing feels better than to hear from a friend or acquaintance who's calling to let you know how much they appreciate you. The call doesn't have to be hours long, and if you can't get ahold of them directly you can always leave a message telling them how fabulous they are and how much you'd like to hear from them. Odds are, they'll call you back.

Wouldn't you love to get a call like that? Wouldn't it be wonderful if a fellow guild member called you to let you know how much they enjoyed your presentation, or your latest quilt? It's amazing how a few kind words can make all the difference to someone who struggles with self esteem, or who feels like they can't ever do anything right.  You can bet they'll be floating on air for a while.

The best part of this is that it will make you feel good too.  Who knows? You could end up starting a chain reaction mutual admiration society!

Make a call and make someone's day!


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